Saturday, December 31, 2011

Here We Go Again.

Apparently, we did not learn our lesson when it came to the Oklahoma Turnpike, and once again found ourselves scrambling for toll money. After last nights purse, wallet, and car pillaging... oh, and did i mention the canadian dime that was returned to us? All because it was... canadian? Total nightmare, right? We decided to look up what the toll might be once we'd reach our exit. A dollar? Sweet! We've got that! We are confident that we've dodged a bullet until we realize that the toll is not a dollar like the website stated, but 4 dollars. Oh Oklahoma, WHY?! We ended up with a total of $3.60 in loose change (including cari's beloved last dollar coin of which I most likely will never hear the end of) and hoped that the toll lady wouldn't notice.
(toll lady counts out endless change)
Lady: 40 more cents please
Cari: (long pause) what if we don't HAVE 40 cents?
Cari: (whispers to Jess) we could ask the people behind us?
Jess: go for it
Lady: you could write a personal check?
Jess: for 40 cents?
Lady: (unintelligible) hold on a minute....oh, I think I found 6 more cents, yup. That's ok, have a great day!

Dear dedicated viewers, there was no additional 6 cents that magically appeared! She, unlike the previous toll lady from last night was doing us a solid, saving us from embarrassment. I bet she would've even taken the Canadian dime!

We promptly pulled over at the EZ GO, where I pulled out some cash! Lesson learned.

1 comment:

  1. Cari says.... "wow. If you had lent us the 2 dollars, we wouldn't have been in that situation in the first place!"
